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Make TODAY the day you take one step closer to your dreams.

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During the 12-week Plan to W.I.N. Incubator you will gain clarity, strategy, and actually activate your plan.  Many try for years, but don't reach their desired business goals or consistent profit margins. This is normally due to a lack of understanding around the barriers that prevent you from actualizing the desired level of success. One of the main barriers is not having a plan. Most high-achieving individuals have a dream, create a SMART goal, and jump straight into action without a concrete strategy.   

I know some entrepreneurs pride themselves on "building the plane on the way down." However, only a few of them take flight and not crash and burn.  If you desire to one day be apart of the Winner's Circle, this is the program for you!

This is For You If:

  • You have a vision for something greater for your business, but not quite clear on the complete vision and or how to make it happen.

  • You have a lot of interest, passions, and skills, but not clear on how they all interconnect.

  • You have an eagerness to learn how to prosper in purpose.

  • You feel equipped and confident when you have a plan.

  • You are a solutions-focused problem solver

  • You are a self-starter and take initiative.

Pricing Options

Pay in full and save!

This is NOT For You If:

  • You are NOT committed to doing the work.

  • The opinions of others are more important and tend to override your decisions.

  • You are more focused on problems rather than solutions.

  • You want to continue to hustle and grind; using a bunch of "hustles" to make your desired income.

Program Phases

  • Awareness

    Identify the "Common Thread" that ties all of your passions together. Discover how to clearly communicate the synergies between them so your target population sees you as THE sole solution to their issue.

  • Alignment

    Systematic and strategic positioning of your programs, products, and or services with your ideal client's core needs, desires, and expectations. Using this data you will develop your personalized Plan to W.I.N.

  • Activation

    Clarity is in the doing! Kick into gear with meaningful action towards your goal with a refined approach, increased speed and support of other participants.

  • Analytics

    Better understand your ideal clients, identify what strategies work and those that don't, by tracking your plan's transformation.

  • Actualization

    Successfully executing your Plan to W.I.N. allows you to make better business decisions, optimize and improve your customer experience, and deliver relevant products.

Pricing Options

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Meet Your Coach | Jateya Jones

Strategic. Unapologetic. Transformational.

Jateya Jones

Jateya Jones is a conduit for clarity and an alchemist with authenticity. Fondly known as "Your Favorite Business Coach’s Secret Weapon," Jateya serves as the Founder and Executive Director of Fore Teens, Inc., and the CEO of Jateya Jones Consulting - designed to empower visionaries with clarity. Jateya revolutionizes how multi-passionates approach entrepreneurship. As a Strategy and Communication consultant, she blazes a path for the multi-skilled to clearly articulate WHO they are and WHAT they do, so they can gain the confidence and courage needed to embrace their uniqueness, course correct and unlearn in order to thrive. Serving as YOUR personal guide for self-discovery, Jateya ignites waves of impact and change, creates a rippling effect for healing and prosperity AND holistically closes gaps within traditional industries, BUT in non-traditional ways.


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Social Proof: Testimonials

Sandy Pharaon

Abundant Wellness LLC

The sunshine exercise is golden. Knowing my "common thread," what I actually do, really helped me have a deeper level of awareness and visually see the gifts/talents that I have. Over the course of 12 weeks, I’ve gained much needed clarity and been able to celebrate the fact that I’m a multi passionate individual. It’s been amazing to accept that I can love many things and not have to pick and choose. I’ve had so much more self-acceptance and appreciation because I’ve tried to put myself in a box to be one dimensional but Jateya’s methods help me fully embrace all the aspects of myself that drive my passions.

Julian Campbell

Jateya is not only gifted at what she does, she is also anointed. It takes the anointing to decipher what someone is trying to articulate, dissect the meat from the bone and create a beautiful tapestry. It's like walking into a dark room, I'm afraid and frantic that I might bumped into something. Clarity brings that light into the dark and ease the tension.

Dr. Kerrie Carter-Walker

iSquared Coaching

Jateya Jones is gifted! She has helped me get clear on what I do and how I do it. She gave me the confidence I needed to own being a multi-passionate person. I am able to work in my purpose in multi-ways and I LOVE IT! Thank you JJ and keep impacting the world with the gift of clarity! I am truly grateful our paths crossed!

Pricing Options

Ready to live the dream? Select the payment option best for you.


  • Is this a one-on-one course?

    This is a blended group course. You will be provided with virtual modules and as a group we will meet live once a week for the 12 weeks.

  • Do I have to have an established business?

    No. However, you must know who you want to help and at least one way you can do so.

  • What if I miss a live session?

    The replay of the each session will be provided in the portal for you to watch at your convenience.