Welcome to Business On a Budget!

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When I first started my business, I didn't have the income to pay for some of the high price all-in-one systems that other coaches were using. So, I combined five different platforms to effectively streamline my business; without breaking the bank. Most start businesses to make money, not to spend it all on the business itself. It’s my desire that you prosper from your passion. Therefore, I created this course to help you jump start your passion and or hobby into a legit business; all for less than $200 per year. Don’t wait another day wishing. Register for the course and receive immediate access to the information that jumpstarted my business to what it is today. Dreams do come true! Begin building your dream business today.

This is For You If:

  • You want to turn or you recently have turned your hobby into a business.

  • You don't have a lot of money to purchase the expensive systems you see other businesses use.

  • You want to make working with you easy for your clients and yourself!

  • You enjoy saving time from the back and forth in email of scheduling clients.

  • You enjoy having a seamless payment process.


This is NOT For You If:

  • You enjoy going back and forth in email scheduling your clients.

  • You enjoy chasing down people for payment.

  • You don't want to scale and grow your business.

Meet Your Coach

Strategic | Unapologetic | Transformational.

Jateya Jones

Jateya Jones is a conduit for clarity and an alchemist with authenticity. Fondly known as "Your Favorite Business Coach’s Secret Weapon," Jateya serves as the Founder and Executive Director of Fore Teens, Inc., and the CEO of Jateya Jones Consulting - designed to empower visionaries with clarity. Jateya revolutionizes how multi-passionates approach entrepreneurship. As a Strategy and Communication consultant, she blazes a path for the multi-skilled to clearly articulate WHO they are and WHAT they do, so they can gain the confidence and courage needed to embrace their uniqueness, course correct and unlearn in order to thrive. Serving as YOUR personal guide for self-discovery, Jateya ignites waves of impact and change, creates a rippling effect for healing and prosperity AND holistically closes gaps within traditional industries, BUT in non-traditional ways.


Begin building your dream business today.